

As well as opportunities for worship we have a few regular groups which meet as part of our church life.


Springfield Wednesday Café 

A drop-in-café is held on a Wednesday of each week from 10.30am to 12 noon in Springfield Community Church. Tea, coffee, biscuits, home baking and music are on the menu. It is a lovely, relaxed café with lots of companionship and laughter so do come along and join us.  Everyone is welcome!



Youth Clubs

The Ceres Youth Club was set up in July 2013.  Its purpose is to be a safe place for young people from the village and surrounding area to meet and spend time together, playing games, doing craft, having discussions, enjoying snacks, making smoothies, toasties etc and organising charity fundraising projects.

The club meets in the Ceres Session Hall on Friday evenings from 7-9pm.

The recently formed Springfield Youth Club meets alternate Tuesday evenings in Springfield Community Church from 6.30-8pm.


Prayer Group

The prayer group meets fortnightly on Mondays when we bring before God the needs of our parish, our communities and our world, alternating between in person meetings and on Zoom. The dates for June can be found here.

At present we have 14 members, half attending the meetings in person and the rest supporting from home. Members are updated throughout the month with any prayer requests which have been made.

Prayer plays a vital part in the ministry of our church and we are blessed with a dedicated and enthusiastic group of people. You are most welcome to join us. 

For further information and Zoom joining instructions, please email


Pastoral Care Group

The congregation sees itself as a close-knit community, which takes an interest in the welfare of our community.   Members of the group visit and keep in contact with the most vulnerable in the parish.