Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

A Church with the Community at its heart, at the heart of the Community

If you wish to post a prayer here, please contact



Prayer Cycle

Building on our earlier prayers of intercession, we are incorporating the Prayer Cycle issued by the World Council of Churches, which seeks to pray for every country in the world throughout the year, thus reminding us we are part of the global church and not just working in isolation in this little corner of North East Fife. Each week we will pray for a different group of countries.

We are also including the Prayer Cycle issued by the organisation Open Doors, which supports Christians, both practically and spiritually, in countries where people are persecuted for their faith. Open Doors recently published a World Watch List which lists the top 50 countries in the world where this is the case, four of which are mentioned above.

We also pray regularly for our Mission partners Keith and Ida Waddell based in Malawi.

We are reminded in scripture that we are the body of Christ, and if one part suffers, every part suffers with it, so by standing alongside our brothers and sisters in prayer, this can be one small contribution towards Christian Unity and a reminder not to take our freedom to worship for granted.

Weekly Prayer  

Celebrating Mother Earth Day:  Touch the earth lightly 

God of all living, God of all loving,

God of the seedling, the snow and the sun,

teach us, deflect us, Christ reconnect us,

using us gently and making us one.

Shirley Erena Murray


A Prayer Calling for Justice

by Chris Polhill 

Living God,

may we hear you calling for justice:
through the poor in a world of plenty; 
through those oppressed by harsh regimes;
in the voices of the victims of religious legalism;
in the cries of the earth polluted by human greed;
in places where economies downgrade talent;
and efficiency outweighs care;
in the voices of the vulnerable in our hamlets and cities. 

May the peace we seek
reflect your justice 
and express your compassion and care.
Through Jesus Christ, who refused to bow to despots and deals.
